Promotion and Marketing of the Show
Live Radio Ad
Listen to our latest Radio Ad and learn about the show.
Todd Jeffries Radio Interview
Here Todd Jeffries of KLBJ Interview Greg Davis of the Challenge Assumptions Podcast.
We have funded an extensive campaign on local radio to promote the podcast in Austin, on the leading talk radio network, News Radio 590 KLBJ (January and February 2017 air times).
Other Media Promotions
We have invested highly in promoting the show. But, we also rely on the combined effort of our guests and our internal marketing to get the word out. We appreciate in advance your promoting the show to your network, and in turn benefitting from the combined network of our guests who help promote the show.
Additionally, we have advertised the show on 16 major websites.
You might have seen our ads on websites like CNN, FoxNews, ESPN, USA Today,, Seattle Times, Fox Business, Vanity Fair, New York Observer, Los Angeles Times, CBS, Time Magazine, Houston Chronicle, The Guardian. We said websites, not TV ads… Pay Attention.
Our Social Media sites actively promote the show on: